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Heads Up PH is the mental health and wellbeing pillar of the Unilab Foundation.

While there is a greater appreciation of mental health and the need to address mental illness among the youth, largely due to the passage of Republic Act 11036 or the Mental Health Act of the Philippines, there are still insufficient interventions to address mental health issues of young Filipinos in the country.


Through Heads Up PH, the Unilab Foundation aims to provide holistic approach towards building a culture where mental health and wellbeing is within the reach of every young Filipino.

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What we do

We empower communities to better respond to mental health issues through innovative, holistic, and evidence-based interventions.

Our interventions are not solely dependent on psychiatrists or health professionals, but also on empowered members of the community who can be trained and mobilized to respond to mental health concerns, from prevention, detection, to referral.


We build and nurture strategic partnerships with like-minded organizations.

Various groups are currently undertaking initiatives to advocate for mental health in the Philippines. Through Heads Up PH, these advocacies come together, providing a multi-sectoral approach to addressing mental health concerns of young Filipinos in communities.

We create lasting impact with a path to policy.

Backed by research and supported by credible mental health experts, we recommend and champion policies for mental health in the local and national level.

Heads Up PH programs
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Play It Forward addresses the mental health needs of children in hospitals and vulnerable communities.


Empower, Develop, Understand, and Cultivate, enables schools, families, and communities to work together for mentally healthy learners.


#MindYourHealth empowers local government units to address the mental health needs of communities through youth engagement,

#MindYourHealth coalitions
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Bayanihan for Wellbeing (BWB). This collaborative is a multidisciplinary approach in mental health and psychosocial services provides a platform for engagement and resource-sharing as it brings together youth organizations, parents’ and teachers’ groups, counselors’, doctors and professional associations, NGOs, and government agencies. 


Philippine Play Coalition. Led by the Unilab Foundation, the Philippine Play Coalition was established to solidify its policy advocacy of championing play as a right of every child. Ultimately, this advocacy aims to build an extensive coalition and network of organizations to institutionalize the National Play Advocacy Week in the Philippines. More specifically, the National Play Advocacy Week is a week-long celebration of children’s right to play, during the National Children’s Month.

Download our FREE Toolkit

This Toolkit specifically targets the youth and focuses on developing their ten (10) essential well-being areas to help foster and maintain healthy coping mechanisms through evidence-based and practical activities that could build their resilience in the time of crisis.

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Ways to help

As we build communities that champion the mental health of young Filipinos, we are influencing change in this generation and the next ones. Let's work together!

Partner with us or Be a Volunteer! 

Do you see programs that you're interested to explore a partnership with? Or be part of our growing number of volunteers for mental health nationwide!

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Connect with Heads Up PH
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2/F Bayanihan Annex Center, LVP Compound,

132 Pioneer St, Mandaluyong City, Philippines 1550

02 8858 10000 loc. 8160

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