The Advanced Manufacturing Workforce Development Alliance (AMDev) is a five-year ( August 2022- July 2027) United States Agency for International Development (USAID) program implemented by the Unilab Foundation (ULF) in partnership with model manufacturing companies, higher education institutions, research institutions, specialized non-profit organizations, and government agencies.
The Alliance will work to contribute to the national discourse and policies on strategic human resources for the Philippines as the country attains high-middle income status, shapes businesses to be more internationally competitive, and positions its youthful population to thrive in Industry 4.0. or Advanced Manufacturing.

What we do
AMDev seeks to develop a pipeline of highly skilled and adaptive workforce which meets the evolving requirements of the advanced manufacturing sector through better-defined, harmonized skills and qualifications descriptors, competency, and training standards.
The program will help address gaps in the manufacturing sector including the need to adapt to the technological advancements and the evolving nature of manufacturing jobs by producing an industry-led solution that will meet the competency requirements and demands of Advanced Manufacturing. It will also address the challenges of systemic insufficiencies in the country’s education system which fails to deliver the human resource requirements of industries.
Goals and Intermediate Results
Our goal: Improved capacity of the education system to develop human capital aligned with the requirements of Industry 4.0. or Advanced Manufacturing
To deliver this goal, the program will seek to achieve three Intermediate Results (IRs) in the next five years:
IR 1: Improved competencies of target manufacturing workforce that are relevant to Industry 4.0 needs
AMDev aims to rapidly transform education and training processes that will enable the readiness of manufacturing workers for Industry 4.0. Education and training approaches will be competency-based and will include flexible and innovative delivery options.
IR 2: Improved enabling environment for advanced manufacturing workforce development
AMDev will improve the enabling environment for the ongoing creation of an advanced manufacturing workforce pipeline. The enabling environment focuses on policy, research and advocacy, and human resource management (HRM) which has a significant enabling role for organizational development and transformation.
IR 3: Improved stakeholder readiness for Industry 4.0
The program seeks advanced manufacturing ecosystem stakeholders to understand the requirements and work towards Industry 4.0 readiness.
The Alliance

Core Partners (Model Companies)
These are the model manufacturing companies that will set up and operationalize the Advanced Manufacturing Institute (AMI), and who will also serve as founding members of the Advanced Manufacturing Skills Council (AMSC). They will also be at the frontline in implementing the pilot curriculum and training activities both for existing and incoming workforce, as well as for HR professionals.
From the pharmaceutical industry: Amherst Laboratories, Inc. and Belmont Softgel Pharma Corporation
From the electronics industry: Fastech Synergy Philippines, Inc. and Western Digital

Resource Partners
These partners include higher education institutions, research institutions, and specialized non-profit organizations that deliver tasks under each intermediate result (IR).
Ateneo Center for Organization and Research Development (Ateneo CORD)
Bayan Academy
Center for Integrated STEM Education (CISTEM)
Investment & Capital Corporation of the Philippines (ICCP)
Makati Business Club (MBC)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology-Open Learning (MIT-OL)
People Management Association of the Philippines (PMAP)
Government Partners
These are government agencies that perform an advisory role in the Alliance through the AMSC. They help ensure sustainability by considering demonstration models as inputs to Philippine government policies, processes and plans. They facilitate the creation of government policies that will sustain and scale project outputs.
Commission on Higher Education (CHED)
Department of Finance (DOF)
Department of Science and Technology (DOST)
Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)
Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA)
AMDev Gallery
Connect with the AMDev Project Management Team: amdev@unilabfoundation.org