Organized by the STEM Leadership Alliance Philippines Affiliate, and initiated by Unilab Foundation's STEM+ PH, the first Integrated STEM Leadership Summit in Asia will take place on November 21 to 24, 2019 at the Shangri La's Mactan Resort and Spa, Cebu, Philippines.

The first Integrated STEM Leadership Summit in Asia will take place on November 21 to 24, 2019 at Shangri-La’s Mactan Resort and Spa, Cebu, Philippines.
Developing a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) literate citizenry that can synergize their skills with the needs of both local and global communities is vital if we are to navigate through a rapidly changing world.
The First Integrated STEM Leadership Summit in Asia emphasizes the need for shared efforts among diverse sectors and provides a platform for cross-sectoral dialogue and collaboration among government, academe, industry, and community. The Summit is organized by the STEM Leadership Alliance Philippine Affiliate and is initiated by this year’s Secretariat, Unilab Foundation’s STEM+ PH and the Center for Integrated STEM Education in the Philippines (CISEP).
Summit Goals:
Create a platform for government, industry, academe, and the larger community to share current situations and existing initiatives focused on Integrated STEM, and to prepare today’s students to be part of the workforce of the future;
Develop a community of Integrated STEM Leaders that connects K-12 to real-world applications, shifting from an interdisciplinary to a multidisciplinary to a trans-disciplinary approach;
Create an evidence-based framework of the roles of each shareholders; and
Cultivate Integrated STEM Leaders who will become champions and advocates for Integrated STEM in their region.

The Summit welcomes:
Teacher Leaders
Superintendents and District Leaders
Business/Industry Leaders
Government officials and Policymakers
Teachers Associations
Nonprofit Educational Organizations and Foundations
Post-Secondary Education Leaders
Technical and Vocational Education Providers
Out-of-School Providers
Day 1: Navigating and Understanding the Integrated STEM Education Landscape
Industry 4.0 Workforce for the Developing World
The Role of STEM in Achieving our SDGs
Socio-emotional Learning in STEM
Integrated STEM in the Classroom
Day 2: Strengthening the STEM K-12 System Towards Innovative Solutions for Socio-Economic Development
Leadership in STEM K-12, Higher Education, and Workplace Learning
Engaging Women & Girls in STEM
STEM Integration
STEM Initiatives of Industries in the Philippines
Government-Industry-Education Alliance
Day 3: Articulating Future Pathways to Create Shared Initiatives to Advance Integrated STEM
Integrated STEM Best Practices in Central Asia
Importance of GIE Collaboration
STEM Leadership Alliance Philippine Affiliate
The Role of Government and Industry in Promoting the STEM Agenda
Fees include:
Access to ALL sessions: keynote presentations, interactive workshops, and/or breakout sessions
Program materials and certificate of participation
Lunch, and morning and afternoon snacks
Online Registration Fee: 695 USD (July 16 - November 19, 2019)
Group Rate (4+1 package) - USD 2780/ PHP 139,000
Onsite Registration Fee: 850 USD (November 21 - 22, 2019)
Disclaimer: The above fees do not include accommodation.
Shangri-La's Mactan Resort and Spa, Cebu, Philippines

At the heart of the innovation hub of the Philippines
The First Integrated STEM Leadership Summit in Asia will take place at the Shangri-La's Mactan Resort and Spa, located at Cebu, Philippines. Cebu, also known as the Queen City of the South, is set to become the innovation hub of the country.
Cebu was the first capital and also the first Spanish settlement in the country. Today, it is known for its museums and churches as it highlights Cebu’s vibrant history as a former Spanish colony.
About half an hour’s drive from Mactan Cebu International Airport, Shangri-La Mactan Resort and Spa is a 13-hectare oceanfront resort with a tropical garden setting. It has 530 guest rooms and suites, and seven restaurants and bars. A five-minute beachside walk from the hotel will bring guests to the resort’s Marine Sanctuary, where visitors can encounter diverse species of fish, clams, and coral on a snorkelling tour.
The resort’s spa, CHI, provides treatments based on natural healing methods practiced in different Asian cultures.
Read our Frequently Asked Questions
For more information about the Summit, please contact